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With Our
Design Studio
The look and feel of your next challenge coin or unit patch is in your hands
How Challenge Coin Builder Works
Use Our Design Studio
Start by creating your custom coins on our online design studio and coin editor. Or simply email us your design ideas, sketches, photos, and logos.
Get Your Custom Quote
We will look over your artwork, make it look good, and update your quote on your Profile (This process may take a day or two). If you need revisions, just ask.
Approval and Production
Once you are satisfied with your custom challenge coin design, you can approve it and make a payment. After we have approval, we will start production.
Pack and Ship
When your challenge coins are complete and pass our quality control, they will be boxed and shipped to the address we have on file.
Creating Your
Coin or Patch
Start With Your Idea
It all starts with your idea for the perfect challenge coin or unit patch.
Launch The Design Studio
After you have a good idea of what you want to create, launch the design studio to get started with your incredible design.
Submit for Quote
After you are done designing your challenge coin or unit patch, you can save it, share it, or submit it for your quote.
Start Production
When you are ready to start production, simply order your coin or patch and confirm the artwork. We will then start making your design.
Don't Settle
For Ordinary
With our design studio, you have the ability to create amazing challenge coins and unit patches. You can save your artwork for later use essayswriting.org and you can also share your artwork with others so you can get feedback from coworkers. With our design studio the process is effortless and the outcome flawless.
Design Templates
Unsure where to start? Use one of our many design templates and customize it the way you want.
Over 2000 Clipart images have been added
We tried to incorporate as many images as possible so that you could design a great lookin product. If you don't see a clipart that suits you just upload your own.
What Our Client Says
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